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WSC 50th Anniversary History, Part 4


Ken Lady was elected Commodore.  Races were held every other weekend from early June until Labor Day.  A scoring system too complicated to explain here established the champions of the year.  Gerry and Carolee Seibert started to dominate the racing.



Bob and Hedi Strebi sold their Thistle, bought a Blue Jay and joined the club.  They had been watching the activity at Ward’s Cove since it began.  They had their first exposure to sail boat racing during the so called “Spring Series”.  It was a humbling experience.  Wnhen the finally crossed the finish line after a “twice around the course race” the committee boat was already collecting the course markers.  Bob and Hedi had read all the books about racing, but some essential details had escaped them, for example how and where to run the spinnaker sheets.  The club members were very supportive and enlightened them on the matter.  They set and doused the spinnaker 12 times.  They had even brought a practice marker.  At the next race they were introduced to the supreme experience of sail boat racing namely to watch the entire fleet minus one boat over the transom of their boat.  Nevertheless Gerry and Carolee ended the year as club champions.